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5 resources found
Safeguarding Codes of Conduct, Frameworks and Policy Document

Safeguarding Codes of Conduct, Frameworks and Policy

Shared by: Safeguarding children and young people

Safeguarding Codes of Conduct, Frameworks and Policy.

Category: Training / How-To

Average 3.95 of 13 ratings Rate this
Safeguarding Reporting Requirements Document

Safeguarding Reporting Requirements

Shared by: Safeguarding children and young people

Fact sheets describing The Salvation Army's reporting obligations in the different States and Territories.

Category: Policy

Average 4.12 of 14 ratings Rate this
Grooming, Disclosure and Mandatory Reporting Legislation Document

Grooming, Disclosure and Mandatory Reporting Legislation

Shared by: Safeguarding children and young people

Fact sheets on Grooming, Disclosure and Mandatory Reporting Legislation.

Category: Policy, Promotion / Communication, Training / How-To

Average 3.95 of 14 ratings Rate this
To make a complaint Document

To make a complaint

Shared by: Safeguarding children and young people

To make a complaint or raise a concern regarding the safety and wellbeing of a child, please speak to your Divisional Safeguarding Consultant or your line manager or email Safeguarding@salvationarmy.o...

Category: Other

Average 4.33 of 18 ratings Rate this
Safeguarding@TSA - Foundational & Advanced Training (valid for 2 years) Document

Safeguarding@TSA - Foundational & Advanced Training (valid for 2 years)

Shared by: Safeguarding children and young people

Link to the Safeguarding Training via VolHQ.

Category: Training / How-To

Average 4.02 of 25 ratings Rate this