Easter Reflection Cards 2025

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Free Easter reflection cards to bless and encourage your community

This Easter, The Salvation Army will celebrate and share The good news of Easter — a message that reminds us all that, beyond the cross, there is an empty tomb. It’s a story of victory over fear, hope rising from despair, and the promise of transformation for every heart willing to believe.   

Easter is more than a celebration of resurrection; it is an invitation to experience the life-changing power of Jesus. In Jesus, there is hope, healing, and peace — even in life’s hardest moments. And that is good news worth sharing. 

To support you as you share the good news of Easter with the community, the Brand Department is privileged to again offer a complimentary Easter postcard. 

This year's beautifully designed reflection card encourages people to press pause on the doomscrolling this Easter and discover the hope, healing, and joy of the good news with the Salvos. 

Some ideas for distribution: 

  • Add to emergency relief packages given around Easter time 
  • Package up with an Easter egg and Kidzone as an Easter gift for members of your community programs  
  • Distribute at street ministry collection points, the local Salvos Stores or through chaplains 
  • Do a neighbourhood letterbox drop – add a flyer for your church/program 
  • Use it as a ‘thank you’ note to businesses or individuals who have supported your ministry throughout the year 


Ever found yourself ‘doomscrolling’? The act of reading one bad, fearmongering, anxiety-inducing news story after the next is dangerous for our mental health and can leave us feeling afraid and hopeless.  

That’s not how life is meant to feel. 

God sent Jesus into the world to show us his incredible love, so we could experience hope, healing and deep joy.  

This is good news worth knowing — and is what Easter is all about. Jesus came to Earth and died, but he rose back to life. Easter is a story about victory over death. Jesus brings us gladness where there was sadness.  

This Easter, we invite you to press pause on the doomsday scroll and instead explore some good news with the Salvos. 


Jesus came to “give [those who mourn] a beautiful crown in exchange for ashes, to anoint them with gladness instead of sorrow, to wrap them in victory, joy, and praise instead of depression and sadness” (Isaiah chapter 61 verse 3, The Voice Bible translation). 

How to order your Reflection Cards: 

Up to 250 cards per Mission Expression can be ordered with compliments of the Brand Department. To claim your FREE Reflection Cards, complete the order form below by Friday 28 February 2025. 

Cards will be delivered to the postal address provided 2-3 weeks after the order form closes on the 28 February (regardless of how early you place your order).  

Please note: Delivery time subject to Australia Post processing and delays.