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Day 22 National Prayer Focus | Conclusion of Jesus Centered with Janine and Robert Donaldson


Janine: Being ‘Jesus Centered’ means living a life that is focused on him. In our distracted world it’s easy to focus on other things, maybe our work, our family, our goals. This is not wrong in itself, but sometimes when our focus is away from Jesus, it distracts us from Jesus. The human heart is designed for worship, and if it does not worship God, it will worship something else.

Following Jesus is a daily commitment we must choose. Cultivating a ‘Jesus Centered’ life takes time and effort. The Holy Spirit helps us, guides us, and leads us as we spend time in prayer, reading his word and growing. When we understand that we are free in Jesus, we live differently.

I believe Jesus wants you to encounter his love, to know his will, to hear his voice to know his purpose for your life. A ‘Jesus Centered’ life starts and deepens by his invitation. He loves you. He’s inviting you to experience him. He’s inviting you to live a ‘Jesus Centered’ life.

Robert: In the conclusion of ‘Jesus Centered’ (p173-5), Steve Brown refers to Apple’s ‘Think Different’ advertising campaign. It starts, “Here’s to the crazy ones,” and ends, “Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

I am one of the crazy ones! Are you? Not because I can do much, but because God planted his image in me, redeemed me, pursues and grows me by the Holy Spirit, positions me to serve a community, and surrounds me with other followers of Jesus to share the journey.

God’s abundant, extravagant, amazing love and grace does and will change the world. We have the most incredible invitation to be part of that as we live ‘Jesus Centered’ lives. Jesus put it this way, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

1. How do we experience God?
2. Where am I in my relationship with God?
3. Of all that God has said to you over these 22 days of prayer, what are the priorities you will pursue over the next couple of months?

Excerpt from The National Prayer Focus Salvos Field Guide daily devotions.
The Salvation Army Australia’s National Prayer Focus 2022 is based on the book Jesus Centered: Focusing on Jesus in a Distracted World by Steve Brown. The Salvation Army Australia’s National Prayer Focus 2022 will be a powerful time of connection, rejuvenation and joy as we seek God and seek good together. The National Prayer Focus ‘Salvos Field Guide’ daily devotions and corresponding nightly online meetings will provide a deep and valuable prayer resource as we walk forward into the future. 


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