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Sibere's Story - Cairns Moneycare

Sibere shares how The Salvation Army's financial counselling service Moneycare helped her after she suffered financial stress, effecting her emotionally and mentally as well. She says The Salvation Army helped transformed her life, and she is now studying law at university, with the hope of being able to give back to The Salvation Army one day. Dennis Higginson, a financial counsellor at Moneycare Cairns, says that through the work that he does he sees lives changed daily, with clients feeling less stressed and empowered to take control of their financial situation and their lives. John Lucas, General Manager for the Hilton Hotel Cairns, says the hotel has been supporting the Red Shield Appeal now for 5 years. The Hilton Hotel Cairns sees the value in supporting The Salvation Army, because they see the great work they do in the community. Staff assist with the Red Shield Appeal doorknock every year, and also during the Christmas Appeal through collecting toys and helping to distribute them. 


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