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Day 17 National Prayer Focus | Point the Lost to Him Part 1 with Jo and Peter Brookshaw


Have you ever been to a museum, lost in wonder as you view an impressively huge dinosaur and discover you’ve completely lost track of a family member? Nope, not even that ... imagine it’s your child, they are literally nowhere to be seen and you lost them!

Well let us tell you, it makes for a memorable day out. It’s one of the most stressful adrenaline rushes you’ll ever experience. As your heart begins pumping a million miles an hour, you run around in circles, anxious and upset, asking security guards, museum workers, and anyone you can find, “Have you seen my lost child?!!”

While looking frantically in the museum, we had incredible urgency, fierce focus and a deep passion to find our missing two-year-old. Our own limitations no longer mattered – only our child.

We are convinced that God has a gut-wrenching yearning for the lost to be found. God chooses to partner with us, as his hands and feet, to reach a world that desperately needs a Saviour.

1. What did it take for you to move from lost to found in Jesus?
2. Who did God use as his seekers... and how did they point you to God?
3. Can you pray for God to overcome any limitations in your life as you choose to also point others to Him?
4. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal specific family, friends, colleagues and contacts, that He is desperate to reach through you.

Excerpt from The National Prayer Focus Salvos Field Guide daily devotions.
The Salvation Army Australia’s National Prayer Focus 2022 is based on the book Jesus Centered: Focusing on Jesus in a Distracted World by Steve Brown. The Salvation Army Australia’s National Prayer Focus 2022 will be a powerful time of connection, rejuvenation and joy as we seek God and seek good together. The National Prayer Focus ‘Salvos Field Guide’ daily devotions and corresponding nightly online meetings will provide a deep and valuable prayer resource as we walk forward into the future. 


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