A film highlighting the extensive social and community work carried out by The Salvation Army throughout India. Filmed and produced in May 2015 by the Communications Department of the International He...
Thank you to all the volunteers who took part in the 2015 Red Shield Appeal Doorknock on 30 and 31 May. We couldn't help 1 million Australians every year without your support.
The Salvation Army's Brisbane Streetlevel is a community centre providing support services and a church for those in desperate need. Paul, Discipleship Coordinator for the centre, shares about the hop...
The Salvation Army offers a range of services across the Illawarra region for people like Marion, Mick and Jodie, whose families need hope. They found hope through services like Carinya Cottage which...
An alcohol addiction that started at the age of 14 saw Phillip spend half of his teenage years in gaol. Thankfully, he found the Salvos and was able to access its support service, including crisis acc...
The Salvation Army's Oasis Youth Network Hunter provides support services for young people aged between 12 to 25, like Jack and Samantha. One of the services offered at the centre is the Olive Branch...
The Salvation Army's programs are available to Australians in need, without discrimination. We also run programs addressing the specific needs of people in multicultural communities, such as English-s...