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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Community Appeal - Week 2 - North Ipswich

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Comm...

Brooke Prentis, North Ipswich Indigenous Ministry Leader, is changing the lives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children by providing bus runs which bring them to church every...

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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Community Appeal - Week 1 - Intro

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Comm...

Territorial Commander Commissioner James Condon talks about why the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Community Appeal is important and encourages Salvationists to support it by giving.

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LeaderSpeak: Productivity

LeaderSpeak: Productivity

Is productivity something which Christians should pursue? What does productivity look like in the church? Commissioner James Condon answers these questions.

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LeaderSpeak: The Status Quo

LeaderSpeak: The Status Quo

Why do we do things the way we do? Colonel Wayne Maxwell challenges us to what it will take to see out Corps healthy and multiplying.

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Dee Munodawafas story

Before she became a Christian, Dee felt that her life was empty. Then she met her saviour, and everything changed.

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LeaderSpeak: Passion

LeaderSpeak: Passion

What are you passionate about? Have you ever thought about how your passions fit into your Christian walk? This week, Commissioner James Condon calls us to be passionate people.

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LeaderSpeak: the one child

LeaderSpeak: the one child

Commissioner Jan Condon offers some encouragement and practical ideas for Corps with a smaller Childrens ministry.

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Musu Idaigi's Story

Musu Idaigi's Story

Musus story was marked by substance abuse and incarceration. But out of the darkness, Musu found light and life in Jesus.

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LeaderSpeak: Changing Culture

LeaderSpeak: Changing Culture

The really important thing about culture is it must result in behaviours, says Lt. Col. Miriam Gluyas as she examines changing culture.

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LeaderSpeak: Fire

LeaderSpeak: Fire

Commissioner James Condon reflects on his time as Captain of the bush fire brigade at Falls Creek and urges us not to put out the fire.

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Red Shield Appeal - Lucy

Red Shield Appeal - Lucy

LeaderSpeak: Growth

LeaderSpeak: Growth

Colonels Wayne and Robin Maxwell talk about first impressions, welcoming spaces and the importance of creating room for new people.

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