Day 1: Follow Him
Speaker: Peter McGuigan
Division/Dept: Corps Officer Sydney Congress Hall, NSW
Topic: The invitation to follow Jesus is so compelling because of who Jesus is.

Day 2: Abide in Him - Part 1
Speaker: Brad Watson
Division/Dept: Head of Community Engagement, TAS Division
Topic: If I want to make a difference in the world, then I should remain in Jesus, follow his teachings and show his inclusive love.

Day 3: Abide in Him - Part 2
Speaker: James Condon
Division/Dept: Communications Consultant (External Executive Relations), QLD Division
Topic: Life is marked by a single choice – who or what we will centre our lives around.

Day 4: Loved by Him - Part 1
Speaker: Sandy MacDonald
Division/Dept: First Five Years of Officership & Aux-Lt Development Co-ordinator, Eva Burrows College
Topic: If God calls you 'beloved', can you allow yourself to be loved at your most vulnerable?

Day 5: Loved by Him - Part 2
Speaker: Earle Ivers
Division/Dept: Corps Officer Gold Coast Temple Corps, QLD Division
Topic: Who will you love with the love of Jesus today?

Day 6: Grounded in Him
Speaker: Judy Shaw
Division/Dept: Corps Officer, Team Leader Unley, SA Division
Topic: When we entered into a relationship with Christ that old life was finished and a new one began.

Day 7: Think like Him
Speaker: Norm Beckett
Division/Dept: Salvos Funerals Representative, THQ Redfern, NSW
Topic: To be able to ‘do the next right thing’ that does not lead to regret or revenge is about being able to 'think rightly.’