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Day 1 National Prayer Focus | Follow Him with Peter McGuigan

MAJOR PETER MCGUIGAN, Corps Officer at Sydney Congress Hall

'Following' is both a decision and an action all of us make every day. We decide to follow someone on Instagram or Twitter and press the follow button. We follow the advice of trusted friends and colleagues. We follow the directions of line managers at work. When it comes to Jesus, following takes on more profound meaning in our lives.

Read Mark 1:14-20
1. How do these verses speak into your experience of following Jesus?
2. In a world with so many distractions, how can Jesus' followers today say 'yes' to him with the same compulsion as his very earliest followers?

Excerpt from the National Prayer Focus Salvos Field Guide daily devotions.
The Salvation Army Australia's National Prayer Focus 2022 is based on the book Jesus Centered: Focusing on Jesus in a Distracted World by Steve Brown. The Salvation Army Australia's National Prayer Focus 2022 will be a powerful time of connection, rejuvenation, and joy as we seek God and seek good together. The National Prayer Focus 'Salvos Field Guide' daily devotions and corresponding nightly online meetings will provide a deep and valuable prayer resource as we walk forward into the future.


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