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(Season 1) Episode 9 - Warren and Anita O'Brien

16 June 2021

This week Dan and Shush talk to Anita O’Brien about her son Warren. Warren is a talented artist and Salvo who lives with cerebral palsy. Anita chats with us about Warrens's work, heart, and the importance of community in his life.

This week Dan and Shush talk to Anita O’Brien about her son Warren. Warren is a talented artist and Salvo who lives with cerebral palsy. Anita chats with us about Warrens's work, heart, and the importance of community in his life. This is an impactful listen and we pray it blesses and challenges you the way that it impacted us.

You can see and purchase Warrens work at -

You can see Warrens page on Art guide Australia at -

(Season 1) Episode 9 - Warren and Anita O'Brien


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