Christmas Reflection Cards 2024

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Free Christmas reflection cards to bless and encourage your community

Salvation Army research shows that one in five Australians who do not regularly attend church would consider attending church at Christmas or on other special occasions (internal Salvation Army research, August 2024). 

Christmas is a time when many members of our communities naturally connect with us — as volunteers, donors, participants in Christmas meals, carols and events, or as recipients of ‘Christmas cheer.’ This is an opportune time for us to share the love and good news of Jesus, which brings us everlasting joy. 

To support you as you share a message of joy with the community at Christmas, and invite people to your Christmas events, the Brand Department is privileged to again offer a complimentary Christmas postcard. 

This year's beautifully designed reflection card talks about ‘A gift of joy’ – joy in the birth of Jesus, the ultimate Christmas gift. See the full text below. 

Some ideas for distribution: 

  • Add to ‘Christmas cheer’ bundles as community members connect for food and/or toys 
  • Encourage corps members to give an invitation to ‘that one special person’ on their hearts and in their prayers 
  • Give to volunteers, along with a small gift or certificate 
  • Use it as a ‘Happy Christmas’ card for businesses, schools or individuals who have been supportive 
  • Organise corps members to do letterbox drops — consider also adding flyers for other events/services (see Brand’s Christmas Toolkit) 
  • Give to members of Salvation Army community programs such as playgroups, senior’s groups, or Positive Lifestyle Program meetings, possibly with a small Christmas gift 
  • Hand out at street ministry collection points, the local Salvos Store, or through chaplains 

Card copy: 


“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.’” Luke 2:10-11 (NIV Bible) 


What would you like for Christmas?  
A book? Some socks? A car? A bill paid off? 
The thing with all those gifts is they fade away.
The book gets read. The socks get holes. The car breaks down. The bills keep coming. 
But there is one Christmas gift that won’t fade away, get worn down, or replaced. 
Jesus is that gift. And he brings more joy than you could imagine. More joy than a book, socks, car or debt repayment! His joy is everlasting. His joy runs deep. His joy is the good news the angels sang about on the night of his birth. 
Learn more about Jesus — a gift of joy — this Christmas with the Salvos. 

How to order your Reflection Cards: 

Up to 250 cards per Mission Expression can be ordered with compliments of the Brand Department. To claim your FREE Reflection Cards, complete the order form below by Wednesday 25 September 2024. 

Cards will be delivered to the postal address provided within 2-3 weeks of orders closing.  

Please note: Delivery time subject to Australia Post processing and delays.