SAES Response

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SAES Response

Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) teams are usually the first responders following a disaster. They support disaster-affected communities with refreshments, meals, rest areas, material/ financial aid, and someone to talk to.

The role of SAES is further defined according to various State Disaster Management Plans in Australia, that are made in agreement with State and Local Governments, and various emergency services agencies such as Police, SES and Fire Services. 

To find out more about SAES, please click on the SAES State pages below.



Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) volunteer teams are often found in the midst of emergency and disaster situations across NSW and the ACT and nationally. Our teams specialise in providing emergency catering, to evacuation centres, emergency service agencies during events and at times to impacted communities immediately after an event.

SAES NSW/ACT Facebook Page NSW

Most SAES volunteer teams are connected to Salvation Army churches and centres, however, everyone is welcome to be involved in our work supporting community. All volunteers complete a one day interactive SAES team member training course.

SAES works closely with NSW State government and ACT government to enable effective collaboration to best serve the community in times of crisis.

To ensure we are able to meet people at their point of need at these times, SAES  are always looking to build our volunteer membership.

If you would like to get involved or would like more information, please contact: 

Norm Archer, State Coordinator NSW/ACT






The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) teams are often found in the midst of crisis and disaster situations nationally and internationally. Our teams specialise in emergency food catering – providing for both displaced community members as well as the emergency services and support staff that work on the front line of disaster situations.

Over the years, the SAES has been involved in a range of situations throughout Queensland including bushfires, floods, cyclones, and even the Bundaberg Tilt Train accident.

Most SAES volunteers come from Salvation Army churches, however, all people are welcome to be involved. All volunteers complete a SAES team member course.

The SAES is committed to helping communities that have been affected by disaster, and if you would like to be involved or would like more information, please contact:

North Queensland – Captain Lincoln Stevens – Associate State Coordinator QLD

mobile: 0409696497 or email:

Central & Southern Queensland – Adam Cole – State Coordinator QLD

mobile: 0428 250 223 or email:


The Salvation Army Emergency Services Victoria assists communities and emergency services personnel during times of disaster.  Our teams provide meals and refreshments to combatants and support staff on the frontline. Teams also provide bedding and material needs into evacuation centres to assist displaced community members. 

Our teams over the years have been involved in many types of incidents such as, bush fires, floods, chemical spills, road trauma, prison riots, sieges and lockdowns. 

The Salvation Army also has a strong relationship with the RSL, our teams often support the RSL's commemorative days by providing refreshments to those attending. 

Our teams are made up of members of the Salvation Army as well as local community members looking to volunteer in their area. Our teams welcome new volunteers that would like to volunteer and assist within the community.  

For further details please contact either: 

Carolyn Spratling, State Coordinator Victoria


Adam Clark, Assistant State Coordinator Victoria



In Tasmania, under the Tasmanian Emergency Management Arrangements (TEMA) the 29 Local Councils are responsible for the lead in a local emergency event such as a fire or flood.

Many Non-Government Organisations such as The Salvation Army, may become involved if the event escalates beyond the Local Councils capacity.

 What we do in Tasmania in an emergency:

  • Emergency Services provides various levels of catering to community members who may be temporary located in an Evacuation Centre or a Recovery Centre. This is usually due to a large bush fire or flood.
  • We also provide emergency catering to Emergency Services personnel who are coordinating the emergency. Services such as Tasmanian Police, State Emergency Service (SES) and Tasmanian Fire Service (TFS), emergency services management staff and our volunteers.
  • We coordinate the preparedness of all personnel involved in the event, by providing essential catering training.
  • We ensure all equipment and assets are maintained in a state of readiness. (Catering trailers, cooking equipment, gazebos etc.)

For all Tasmanian enquiries please contact: (03) 6228 8400

Resources: for toolkit information and training please click here


The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) play a critical role in supporting the needs of our State's first responders during times of disaster and emergency. 

Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) teams of volunteers provide emergency catering in times of disaster or crisis. Whether it’s a natural disaster like a cyclone, flood, bushfire or earthquake, or an incident such as a transport accident, structure fire or missing person search, SAES teams will be on the ground supporting those on the frontline of the emergency. The aim of the SAES is to support people and communities at their point of need, and to ensure emergency service workers and volunteers are also catered for with meals, refreshments and beverages.

SAES teams may be tasked to work in evacuation centres from small country halls to major city show-grounds. They may be in the field supporting emergency service agencies from built-up areas to farmer’s paddocks and getting alongside the community as the clean-up begins.

While SAES teams are one of the first groups of Salvos to respond to a disaster, this is closely followed by more personnel who are training in disaster response and who work with communities through the recovery process.

Keep up to date with all SAES training and events on our Facebook page

Facebook Page SA

Or ask to get a monthly newsletter posted to you.

For more information please contact:

Major Reno Elms, State Coordinator South Australia 

phone:  0409 365 803


Resources: for toolkit information and training click here


The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) teams are often found in the midst of crisis and disaster situations nationally and internationally. Here in the NT, our teams specialise in emergency food catering – providing food for displaced community members as well as the emergency services and support staff that work on the front line of disaster situations.

Over the years, the SAES has been involved in a range of situations throughout the Northern Territory especially during the wet season, where we as a community we are faced with monsoon rains resulting in floods and cyclones.

We have served Australia wide for more than 140 years.

We aim to be onsite within 2 hours of activation and with the support of our volunteer teams; we can remain on-site for as long as required.

There are more than 2000 volunteers across Australia who receive training in safe food handling practices and other practical training.

Keep up with us on our Facebook Page

Facebook Page NT

The SAES is committed to helping communities that have been affected by disaster, and if you would like to be involved or would like more information, please contact:

Captain Neil Gray, State Coordinator Northern Territory




The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) supports our emergency workers including our volunteer & career fire fighters, State Emergency Services volunteers, Police and other state government agencies as well as assist those affected by disasters such as bush fires, floods and storms. We provide

  • Meals and refreshments
  • Clothing
  • Financial Assistance
  • Temporary Accommodation
  • Emergency Shelters
  • Counselling and referrals

Our services operate 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Our volunteers work in a supportive environment with a range of training opportunities available.

For more information about volunteering and how you can get involved, please contact us by emailing:

Some Facts about us:

  • The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) provides catering to the states hazard management agencies and to the people impacted by an emergency or disaster right across Australia.
  • We have served Australia wide for more than 140 years
  • We aim to be onsite within 2 hours of activation and with support of our volunteer teams; we can remain on site for as long as required
  • There are more than 2000 volunteers across Australia who receive training in safe food handling practices and other practical training.
  • We have a modern fleet of catering vehicles trailers, along with substantial equipment to deliver our services in any setting.
  • We have a number of depots stocked with food and bottled water, along with other supplies and equipment to be rapidly dispatched when required.

Benjamin Day, State Coordinator WA

Find us on Facebook - Facebook Page WA

Volunteer with SAES

The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) is always looking for new volunteers. We provide training, support and a friendly, inclusive team environment. 

The SAES teams support and assist first responders following an emergency or disaster. Our volunteers and teams provide support during an emergency or disaster to emergency responders and disaster affected communities by providing refreshments, meals, rest areas, material/ financial aid, and someone to talk to.  

Volunteer duties can vary depending on the State you are volunteering in, and the disaster or crisis response. Examples of volunteering duties can include: 

  • Emergency catering for training exercises, evacuation centres and emergency responses  
  • Setting up emergency field kitchens including mobile kitchen facilities, generators, cool-rooms and other specialist equipment 
  • Preparing, serving and delivery of meals and refreshments to evacuees or emergency responders  
  • Provide material aid such as bedding in evacuation centres  
  • Assistance with maintaining our fleet and equipment  
  • Participate in community events such as ANZAC Day or other large community events  

How to join SAES – New Volunteers

  1. New volunteers must complete a Volunteer Registration Form and Volunteer Agreement Form.
  2. You may be required to complete additional training or checks before deployment depending on which State you are volunteering in (please see table below) 
  3. Send the completed form to:  
State Email  Mandatory Checks* Mandatory Training 
SAES NSW/ACT  None Induction, Safeguarding, SAES training

North Queensland  

Central and Southern Queensland  

None Induction, Safeguarding, Food Safety, SAES training  
SAES VIC  None Induction, Safeguarding 
SAES TAS   Police Check Induction, Safeguarding 
SAES SA   Police Check  Induction, Safeguarding, Food Safety 

Induction, Safeguarding, Food Safety

SAES WA    None

Induction, Safeguarding, Food Safety  

*Please note mandatory check standards are based on new team member positions. Further checks may be required for senior team members and team leader positions. Please click here for SAES Police Checks FAQs for volunteers.