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Yuills bless Taree anniversary celebrations

4 September 2014
Yuills bless Taree anniversary celebrations

Chick and Margaret Yuill in full swing. (Photo courtesy of Taree corps)

International Christian evangelists Chick and Margaret Yuill gave Taree a weekend to remember as the corps celebrated its 125th anniversary on 2-3 August.  

Following a Taree corps tradition, an open-air concert was held at a local park followed by a free barbecue. The Taree corps band and members of the Club Taree Community Band played well-known hymns and songs. 

“Historical documents record the regularity and impact of open-airs in the early days of the corps. In all weather conditions the open-air went on, with many souls won over the years of faithful service,” said Captain CathrynWillliamson, Taree Corps Officer. 

The Yuills opened the weekend with a Bible study, centring on Acts 10 and sharing about blessing. Chick also spoke at the Sunday morning services with his theme being “Through the roof and out the door”. 

The focus of the anniversary weekend was to thank God for the past, recognise him in the present and to trust him in the future, said Captain Williamson. Following the Bible study, a 350-page history book called A Record of Records was launched. The book is a compilation of events and people from written esources and photographs relating to the history of the Army in the Manning Valley from 1889 to the present.  

Throughout the weekend a display of Salvation Army memorabilia was available, including bonnets worn by Annie Drury (nee Bryans), who was the first officer at the corps. Her framed “Marching Orders”, issued on 24 July 1889, was also on show.  

A free evening concert was held on the Saturday evening and featured performances by the Port Macquarie band and songsters, two timbrel groups and a vocal solo of Burst Into Cheers by Major Christine Atkinson.  

Children from Taree Corps performed Jesus Loves Me on the ukulele.  

The Yuills also presented the story of Zacchaeus from the Bible as a rap and sang a song Chick had written, based on Luke 15, highlighting the worth of every individual.  

The meeting also acknowledged previous corps officers. Lieut-Colonel Lynette Green who began the Taree Corps 80+ Prayer Club, a prayer group for 30- to 50-year-olds, presented badges to all members of the club at the anniversary weekend.  

The weekend ended with a youth service which saw young people attend from Taree Corps, Hannam Vale Corps and local Baptist and Anglican churches. 

Taren Purnell and Akeisha enjoying the weekend. (Photo courtesy of Taree corps)

Lyndell Giles, Captains Mark and Cathryn Williamson and Lyndel Taylor sample cupcakes. (Photo courtesy of Taree corps)


Port Macquarie songsters perform. (Photo courtesy of Taree corps) 

To see more events happening in the Newcastle and Central NSW Division, visit the divisional website.

This article first appeared in the September edition of Pipeline. 


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