Gender Equity
The Bible teaches the fundamental equality of all human persons, and that there is nothing that separates us into a higher or lower level.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female,
for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28)
*Jesus had both male and female disciples. We need to provide a wide range of disciples as models for the faith journey.
* Discipleship can be gendered if men and women are shaped only for particular roles in the church. We need an approach to discipleship and mission that is focused on people, not shaped by gender roles.
Article: Gender_Equity_and_the_Ministry_of_Reconciliation
For more information on equity please see: Christians for Biblical Equality
Gender equity in The Salvation Army is achievable. We can become what we are not yet.
*It is essential that every person who leads in The Salvation Army is properly equipped to do so. This means we need to focus on building the leadership capacity of all, irrespective of gender or traditional gender roles or biases.
*A culture of equality and practices of equity will enable all our leaders to be confident in their unique calling and to model the holistic mission of Jesus.
Fact Sheet: 10 Ways Gender Equity is Achievable
Link: Gender Fairness - Conversations about Fairness
Every person has a sacred right to grow and flourish to their full capacity.
* We operate in a culture that has structures of oppression and discrimination built into its systems. We must engage with these injustices and respond to them in healthy ways in order to assist all persons to flourish.
*Instead of being behind society in establishing gender equity we must be at the forefront, demonstrating a spirit that is radical and pioneering, and which finds innovative ways to empower and release the full capacity of women and men.
This sermon outline has been developed by Lieutenant Star Conliffe and focuses on the Church's call to be the best reflection of how God intends us to live. We should be showing the world that God created men and women equally in his image, and that Jesus welcomed women into teaching, preaching and discipling roles in his church.
PDF: Sermon-outline
PDF: Can_We_Finally_Break_the_Silence_Around_Tamar
In its origins, The Salvation Army seeded the beginnings of gender equality, but never realised its full potential. It is time to reclaim and reimagine what gender equality looks like in The Salvation Army in our day.
*A renewed Australian Salvation Army must include accountability for gender equity at all levels in the organisation.
*We need a high level of accountability for the use of our officer personnel resources. While officers are given default appointments at any level there will not be efficient or appropriate allocation of personnel and financial resources.
Statement: The Salvation Army International Positional Statement - Sexism
Article: Dinah_Hayes_was_an_exceptional_woman
Dinah (Hayes) Bray