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General urges the world to keep reading

5 January 2016
General urges the world to keep reading

As the year-long Bible Challenge ends, General André Cox encourages participants to maintain the “regular rhythm” of daily readings.

Bible reading and prayer had been prioritised for Salvationists and friends around the world during 2015, The Salvation Army’s 150th anniversary year. Tens of thousands of people took part in Boundless – The Whole World Reading, a year-long initiative to study the whole New Testament together, from Matthew to Revelation.

With printed booklets, small discussion groups, children’s activities and a special website and smartphone app, there was rarely so many ways to engage with the holy texts. Technology ensured that participation in the challenge was possible well beyond the 127 countries in which The Salvation Army has a physical presence.

In a personal email to online participants, international leader General Cox tells of the “fascinating and stimulating journey this has been” and prays that participants have “felt renewed, inspired and strengthened” in their faith.

“We would like to encourage you to continue reading and meditating on the Word of God,” he writes, “and hope that the discipline and regular rhythm that you have picked up over these past 12 months will remain with you.”

Reflecting on the importance of reading the Bible, the General continues: “We need to create space and time to pause, listen and reflect. It is about setting priorities and good time management.”

A PDF sample of the January readings ( from The Salvation Army’s daily devotional Words of Life has been made available to encourage ongoing regular Bible reading into 2016. The complete January-April issue is on sale now through bookshops or as a subscription from Meanwhile, for those who have enjoyed the interactive elements of the Bible Challenge, participation in the One Army teaching program is being bolstered by live online sessions which begin on 13 January (

Report by IHQ Communications
International Headquarters


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