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Canva mission and faith templates

Faith Canva templates included: Worship, Bible / sermon series, The prayer circle, Encouraging, Thank you, Celebratory, Bible study group, Community prayer, and Church Invite Mission Canva templates include: After school programs, Young adult group, Holiday activities, Early childhood group, Parenthood Course, Men's group, Women's group, Seniors, Community Dinner, Community Lunch, Fetes/fairs, Church anniversary, and Church Cafe
Canva faith templates Document

Canva faith templates

Access a collection of faith-based Canva templates for worship, gatherings and more.

Category: Evangelism / Outreach, Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication

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Canva mission templates Document

Canva mission templates

Access a collection of mission Canva templates that can be used for community-based groups and events.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication

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