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Sunbeams & Adventurers


Children aged between 7-10 years may become Adventurers (boys) or Sunbeams (girls). Simple tests are successfully completed before a child may be enrolled and wear the uniform. Following enrolment 
Adventurers/Sunbeams work toward earning 14 badges that include Bible Knowledge, Cooking, Health and Safety 


Sunbeams & Adveturers are part of the SAGALA program. SAGALA is a ministry program for 5-17 year olds. It seeks to build integrity, provide community service experience, teach life skills and promote leadership development.  

The gospel of Jesus Christ is unapologetically shared through the program.    

SAGALA sections all have distinctive uniforms, laws, mottos and prayers.

If you are interested in starting up a SAGALA group in your church, check out the information and guidelines HERE!

If you're after resources for Moonbeams & Explorers (5-6 years old), please click HERE!

If you're after resources for Guards & Rangers (11-17 years old), please click HERE!

SAGALA Sunbeam Recordings Document

SAGALA Sunbeam Recordings

Use these recordings to help your Sunbeams the learn to Law, Motto, Pledge and Prayer.

Category: Discipleship, Training / How-To

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SAGALA Adventurer Recordings Document

SAGALA Adventurer Recordings

Use these recordings to help your Adventurers the learn to Law, Motto, Pledge and Prayer.

Category: Discipleship, Training / How-To

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Under the Stars Document

Under the Stars

LIFE TO THE MAX: This resource will help 7-11 year olds gain basic camping skills.

Category: Life Skills

Average 3.81 of 1 rating Rate this
Bush Survivor Document

Bush Survivor

LIFE TO THE MAX: This resource will help teach 7-11 year olds to develop confidence in basic outdoor skills.

Category: Life Skills

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Who Am I? Document

Who Am I?

LIFE TO THE MAX: This resource will help 7-11 year olds to develop a greater sense of self awareness and self worth.

Category: Life Skills

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Water wise Document

Water wise

THE WORLD AND ME: This resource will help you teach 7-11 year olds safe practices in water.

Category: Life Skills

Average 2.94 of 1 rating Rate this
Trash and treasure Document

Trash and treasure

THE WORLD AND ME: This resource will help you encourage your 7-11 year olds to recycle by making them aware of the benefits.

Category: Life Skills

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Tracks and trainers Document

Tracks and trainers

HAVE A GO: This resource will help you you lead 7-11 year olds in a variety of sports and the concept of good sportsmanship

Category: Life Skills

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Take a hike Document

Take a hike

HAVE A GO: This resource will help you lead 7-11 year olds in a short hike.

Category: Life Skills

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Sew What Document

Sew What

HAVE A GO: This resource will help teach 7-11 year olds understand and use basic sewing skills.

Category: Life Skills

Average 3.48 of 1 rating Rate this