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Exploring Soldiership

Exploring Soldiership is a new national course exploring what it means to be a soldier within The Salvation Army. This collection includes PDF and Powerpoint resources. It integrates the eleven doctrines, or beliefs that are the foundation of The Salvation Army and the practical lifestyle commitments of the covenant.
Exploring The Salvation Army Document

Exploring The Salvation Army

Brochure exploring the details of who we are - The Salvation Army

Category: Vision / Inspiration

Average 4.48 of 7 ratings Rate this
Soldiership & Adherency Document

Soldiership & Adherency

Brochure explaining what it means to be a soldier and an adherent

Category: Discipleship, Evangelism / Outreach

Average 3.64 of 3 ratings Rate this
Exploring Soldiership - Promotional Materials Document

Exploring Soldiership - Promotional Materials

Editable PowerPoint slides, social media images and a flier to help you promote Exploring Soldiership in your corps.

Category: Discipleship, Promotion / Communication

Average 3.87 of 3 ratings Rate this
Exploring Soldiership (Chinese Version) Document

Exploring Soldiership (Chinese Version)

Exploring Soldiership resources in Chinese

Category: Discipleship, Training / How-To

Average 4.17 of 3 ratings Rate this
Exploring Soldiership (English Version) Document

Exploring Soldiership (English Version)

English Exploring Soldiership resources

Category: Discipleship, Training / How-To

Average 4.53 of 21 ratings Rate this
The Soldier's Covenant - The Articles of War Document

The Soldier's Covenant - The Articles of War

The Salvation Army's official 'Articles of War' - available in both English and Chinese

Category: Policy, Training / How-To, Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.53 of 11 ratings Rate this