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National Prayer Focus 2022
The National Prayer Focus 2022 resource collection is focused around a book written by Steven Brown called Jesus Centred: Focusing on Jesus in a Distracted World. This collection of resources is designed to help you engage with the focus individually and in groups.
National Prayer Focus 2022 | Poster and Ad
These resources for the National Prayer Focus feature an A4 Poster, a PowerPoint presentation on 'How to get involved', and several newsletter images in various sizes.
Category: Evangelism / Outreach
National Prayer Focus 2022 | Sermon Outlines
These four sermon outlines have been developed for the National Prayer Focus 2022.
Category: Events / Campaigns
National Prayer Focus 2022 | Jesus Centred Prayer Cards
This resource page features Jesus Centered Prayer Cards for kids and families and Prayer Room Cards for individual or group prayer. Both are designed to align with the National Prayer Focus 2022.
Category: Evangelism / Outreach
National Prayer Focus 2022 | Social Media Assets
These National Prayer Focus social media assets have been designed and created for Facebook and Instagram to assist in communication on social media channels.
The following versions include shareable...
Category: Evangelism / Outreach
National Prayer Focus 2022 | The Salvos Field Guide Devotional
This devotional has been created for the National Prayer Focus 2022. It contains 22 daily devotionals and can be read online, downloaded or printed.
Category: Evangelism / Outreach