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Corps Digital Doorknock

This Corps Digital Doorknock collection includes an instructional video and a choice of banners for your local Salvos Raisley pages. More resources will be added to this collection in the coming weeks.

Banner images for Digital Doorknock Local Salvos Profile Pages Document

Banner images for Digital Doorknock Local Salvos Profile Pages

This resource features 4 banner image options for Local Salvos pages.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA Volunteer Recruitment Poster - Canva-editable and Translated Document

RSA Volunteer Recruitment Poster - Canva-editable and Translated

This resource page features a Canva-editable RSA volunteer recruitment poster and three non-editable translated posters.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA QR Code Folder - for Digital Doorknock pages Document

RSA QR Code Folder - for Digital Doorknock pages

This resource contains a folder of QR codes supplied by the Digital team.

Category: Evangelism / Outreach, Events / Campaigns

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RSA Poster for Donations - including translated & Canva-editable Document

RSA Poster for Donations - including translated & Canva-editable

This page features the Corps/Mission Expressions Poster with CTA to Donate. It is available in generic and translated versions.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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 Instructional Video for Corps use only Video

Instructional Video for Corps use only

This instructional video (for Corps use only), is a guide for Local Salvos/Corps and Mission expression page administrators to customise their pages.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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