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Good and Bad Spiritual Habits

Bible reading, prayer, evangelism (sharing faith) and generosity (giving) are spiritual disciplines or habits that help transform us as disciples of Christ. These four videos explore each of these important Christian habits.
Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Bible reading Video

Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Bible reading

This video looks at the importance of reading God’s word, the Bible. It allows us to connect with God and helps us to understand God’s wisdom, purpose and direction for our lives.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Prayer Video

Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Prayer

Prayer is crucial in our relationship with God. He longs to spend time with us and we need to spend time with him.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Sharing faith Video

Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Sharing faith

When we know and love Jesus we want to share the good news of the gospel with others. Watch this video for some helpful hints on how to do this.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Giving Video

Good and Bad Spiritual Habits - Giving

Paul called the believers to be generous and cheerful givers (2 Corinthians 9:7). Jesus also modelled and taught about giving.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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