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Videos for Schools

This collection includes videos suitable to be shown in schools to demonstrate the work of the Salvation Army and encourage young people to get involved. Please apply discretion when selecting a video suitable for the age demographic of student viewers.
RSA Impact Video: Addiction/Faith Video

RSA Impact Video: Addiction/Faith

Paul shares his journey from blaming others to discovering a life with God where he could face himself and the choices that were destroying his life.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA Impact Video: Addiction/Transformation Video

RSA Impact Video: Addiction/Transformation

*** Apply high-level discretion to play in isolated school events*** Bekki shares her amazing story of transformation and renewal from experiencing abuse and falling into addiction to pulling through.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA Impact Video: Digital Poverty Video

RSA Impact Video: Digital Poverty

Eradicating digital poverty is just one of the many things that The Salvation Army is seeking to do to transform lives.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA Impact Video: Family Violence/Homelessness Video

RSA Impact Video: Family Violence/Homelessness

In this Salvo Story, Luis shares his lived experience with family violence and homelessness as a young person and his work now as a Youth Empowerment Program Worker at Salvos Sunshine Youth Services.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA Impact Video: How Do You Sleep At Night? Video

RSA Impact Video: How Do You Sleep At Night?

How do you sleep at night? One person sleeping rough is one too many. 

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA Schools Video Video

RSA Schools Video

A video to inspire students to get involved in the Red Shield Appeal. Suitable to play in secondary school assemblies.

Category: Events / Campaigns

Average 3.81 of 1 rating Rate this
Shieldy - Always There Video

Shieldy - Always There

Updated (2023) Shieldy animation suitable to introduce young children to the Salvation Army

Category: Promotion / Communication

Average 3.93 of 2 ratings Rate this