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38-page Reflection Guide The Shape of Calling 2nd Edition

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This study guide has been written to help guide emerging and potential leaders through some of the more nuanced aspects of calling, such as:

  • How do we accurately define calling? 
  • Why does the image of God we hold onto, and the metaphors we use when relating to God, have such a profound impact on our choices and sense of freedom?
  • What problems occur when we try and discern a call?
  • Is there a way we resolve an inner tension of not wanting to embrace a call from God?
  • How does calling practically outwork in our lives, and what responsibility must we take to see it come to fruition? 
  • The discerning process of testing a call. 

Useful for leadership conversations, discipleship, personal development, and resourcing the next generation of officers and leaders for our corps, movement, and the kingdom of God. 


Category: Discipleship

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