Anti-Poverty Week Resources 2021
- ALT Event Checklist (1).docxDownloaded 163 times
- Anti-Poverty Week 2021 ALT Meeting.pptxDownloaded 142 times
- APW21 Powerpoint.pptxDownloaded 153 times
- APW21 Sermon outline.pdfDownloaded 172 times
- APW21 All age discussion.pdfDownloaded 152 times
- APW All Age Discussion PPT.pptxDownloaded 142 times
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Here are a series of resources to help faith communities and ALTs engage with
Anti-Poverty Week.
Resources include:
ALT meeting guide - PowerPoint
ALT event checklist
Video – Captain Kim Haworth (DC Tasmania)
Sermon outline
Sermon PPT
All age discussion and PPT
For The Salvation Army's full range of Anti-Poverty Week resources, head to