International Day of Older Persons 2022
- Social Media Images.zipDownloaded 131 times
- Ways to Celebrate Seniors.pdfDownloaded 132 times
- Conversation Cards.pdfDownloaded 143 times
- Devotional and Activity Sheets.pdfDownloaded 154 times
- Sample Corps Meeting Lead.docxDownloaded 135 times
- Sample Chapel Meeting Lead.docxDownloaded 115 times
- Short Talk.pdfDownloaded 131 times
- Prayers by older persons.pdfDownloaded 151 times
- Small group guide.pdfDownloaded 102 times
- Ideas for Preschoolers.pdfDownloaded 111 times
- Corps Meeting PPT Slides.pptxDownloaded 109 times
- PPT Slides - Chapel Service.pptxDownloaded 111 times
- Leaders Notes - Corps Leaders.pdfDownloaded 117 times
- Leaders Notes - Aged Care Chaplains.pdfDownloaded 104 times
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Saturday 1 October 2022 is the International Day of Older Persons. The day provides us with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate, honour, support, and encourage the older members of our congregations. The following resources have been compiled for use with your seniors and whole congregations.
The resources provided are suitable for a range of settings including Sunday meetings, chapels, groups for Seniors, and for use by individuals.
- Social Media images
- Meeting PowerPoint slides
- Leader's notes and sample meeting leads
- Devotional and activity sheet
- Small group guide
- 10 Ways to Celebrate Seniors
- Prayers for older persons
- Conversation cards
Additional Resources
- United Nations – International Day of Older Persons
- Dance Fit and Fellowship is designed for groups of seniors who wish to meet online and develop their fitness and their faith through friendship with others. Developed by The Salvation Army, UK Territory, it includes three exercise videos plus tutorials and a leader’s guide.
Category: Events / Campaigns