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SALVATION 101 (Small group)

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This 5-week series is designed to help your life group wrestle with what it actually means to be 'saved'.

For some Christians, their salvation boils down to a simple transaction: I put my faith in Jesus, and in response he guarantees me a ticket to heaven.

But the heart of the Gospel isn't a supernatural business deal -- it's a supernatural rescue story!

Use this series to help your group unpack their own salvation and firmly establish the remarkable truth about their own personal rescue story.


What's Inside?

Week 1: The Good News. We know we're saved, but has the good news lost its shine?

Week 2: Jesus + Nothing. Salvation is a free gift, but how do we understand that gift in a culture where nothing is ever free?

Week 3: The Rescue Story. Every rescue has 3 parts - the FROM, the BY, and the TO. As Christians, do we understand all 3?

Week 4: Putting Sin In Its Place. We know sin was a problem before we met Jesus. But what about now?

Week 5: My Rescue Story. Your group spends a night writing and then sharing their personal testimonies.

Category: Discipleship

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