Sermon > ComeAlive (ComeAlive series)
- Message-Come-Alive_(Series-Lead-the-Mission).pdfDownloaded 314 times
- Message-Come-Alive-(Unformatted)-(Series-Lead-the-Mission).docxDownloaded 247 times
- Message-Come-Alive_(Series-Lead-the-Mission).docxDownloaded 247 times
- Following-God-Come-Alive.pptDownloaded 244 times
For some, being called into ministry starts with a powerful God experience. For most, calling clarifies over time as we follow after God's leading and doing what makes us come alive with the joy of the Lord. This sermon encourages the congregation to pursue God and respond to the dreams and visions the Holy Spirit places in their heart.
Downloads available to the right
- Sermon Transcript & Outline
- Formatted and unformatted versions
- PowerPoint slides
Benefits of these resources
- Save time in preparation, research, and writing
- Easy to use format
- Fully editable: cut, copy, paste - all in Mircosoft Word
- Sermon is crafted for impact and suitable for multiple settings
- Compelling Visuals
Category: Training / How-To
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