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This is Discipleship (Matt Godkin)

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This is Discipleship (Matt Godkin)

This is Discipleship (Matt Godkin)

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This video series will help your team and young people connect with and understand The Great Commission and learn how to live a life of discipleship.

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Discipleship is all about relationships. Jesus was always concerned about the individual. In the Bible, while Jesus taught thousands and was followed by hundreds, he always had time for the one. He chose 12 he intentionally invested into – they were Jesus’s disciples.

Matt Godkin says he wouldn’t be where he is today if his youth pastor had not invested into his life and took the time to disciple him.  

Too often we get too caught up in church and we just expect discipleship to happen on its own. Jesus says to go and make disciples where you are and use what you have.

Go and choose the one person you will invest into, pray for and encourage. Go and start that life group in your school or church. Go and use what you have. This is discipleship.

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration