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The Salvation Army launches “The Chick Effect”

27 March 2012

Have you considered purchasing a chicken this Easter?

The Salvation Army International Development team is encouraging Salvos to become part of “The Chick Effect” by purchasing a chicken with their eggs this Easter. 

Betsy Pineda from The Salvation Army’s International Development Office says “The Chick Effect” campaign aims to fund a livestock raising project in the African nation ofTanzania.

“This project has been successful in the past and we have definitely seen the transformation first hand in the lives of people,” she says. “It’s a very simple way to continue transformation in these communities because it’s cost-effective – a simple donation of $10, directly goes to funding a chicken project. And these are skills that the locals can develop easily because they are already agricultural communities.

"It’s really easy to be part of something that can have a large impact.”

Already The Salvation Army has helped 165 households in these two regions including a woman called Maria. After being given two chickens, Maria raised them to produce eggs and hatch more chickens. Now she has a pen of 10 chickens which she has been inter-breeding with local breeds to sell them off and generate income.

With this money, Maria was able to purchase two pigs, which have already produced eight piglets, and is saving up to buy a cow.

Maria can now feed her family, provide her children with school uniforms, pay for school fees and medicine for her five children.

“The Chick Effect” campaign will run from now until Easter.

To purchase a chicken for just $10, visit


  1. Somehow I am put off by a fund raising initiative tied to the Easter Observance. It seems that everything the Army does anymore has to have a fund raising component. This is Easter, the Holiest days on the Christian calendar. Let us observe it by calling attention to the Christ, His sacrifice and atonement and victory over death whereby we all all can experience spiritual freedom.

  2. I agree Gary that Easter is all about JESUS. This Easter initiative I suppose provides Christians with a viable alternative to the giving of eggs and chocolate bunnies. Having just returned from Africa I have seen what a chicken does in terms of rescuing a family -including the children. It is a salvation story. And it is all about JESUS and SALVATION.

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