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Quilts remember and honour lives of loved ones

2 November 2012
Quilts remember and honour lives of loved ones

The Lifekeeper Memory Quilts unveiled (left), and candles are lit to remember loved ones lost to suicide. (Photos: Shairon Paterson)

As bereaved friends and family members fought back tears, two NSW State Lifekeeper Memory Quilts, each bearing the faces of 30 Australians who have taken their own lives, were unveiled at The Salvation Army’s Territorial Headquarters in Sydney on 23 October.

The quilts are just two of five that exist – the others representing Victoria, South Australia and Queensland – and are part of an initiative of The Salvation Army’s Hope For Life program that aims to create awareness about suicide. 

The quilts will be taken on tour across the country to not only create awareness about suicide but also provide a place for families to grieve for their loved ones.

“For every suicide there’s at least six or seven people who are quite affected by the grief of a loved one,” explained Envoy Alan Staines, Director of the Hope For Life Suicide Prevention and Bereavement Support Services.

“These quilts will bring a greater awareness in the community that we’ve got to do far greater work for those who are left behind. What these quilts do, it brings alive the memory of the loved one who we’ve lost. We’re honouring their life.”
While a national Lifekeeper Quilt already exists, which was launched in 2009, Envoy Staines said these five new quilts are much smaller, making them more portable and easier to use.

The NSW Minister for Mental Health, Kevin Humphries, attended the unveiling in support of the Army’s Hope For Life program.

The Army’s Australia Eastern Territorial Commander, Commissioner James Condon, also spoke about the important role memories play throughout the grieving process.

“We didn’t expect to lose our loved ones, we expect them to be with us forever," he said. "We thank God for the memories we have and the things that prompt our memories.”

Lasting memorial

Several relatives with loved ones who appear on the quilts also shared their testimonies at the launch. Susan Beck bravely stood up the front and spoke about her son Daniel, who died by suicide.

“This wonderful quilt is a lasting memorial that acknowledges this and in doing so, assists us on our journey through grief. I would like to thank The Salvation Army for their generosity and support in giving us this unique and special means of honouring our loved son and brother Daniel,” she said.

For the special remembrance and healing part of the ceremony, Commissioner Condon read out a number of comfort verses from the Psalms. This was followed by the reading of a poem by Diane Gaddin, which was written by her daughter, Tracey, whose face appears on the NSW Lifekeeper Quilt.
The ceremony concluded with a time of reflection for family members and friends. They were invited to light a candle to honour the lives of their loved ones.

In an emotional moment, relatives and friends sang happy birthday to Darren, whose face is on the quilt, to honour his life and celebrate what would have been his birthday.


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