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Mackay gets ‘crafty’ in ministry

3 January 2014

For the past two years, Mackay corps has been using craft to connect with women in their community.

Kay Neale, who runs the craft group, believes craft offers a wonderful opportunity for outreach in the community. “It’s my goal and mission to see more of the ladies within the group from the community than from within the corps,” says Mrs Neale.

“It’s our vision to meet the needs of the ladies spiritually as well as physically.”

Each week, the women gather together and complete a craft that can be used in their homes. But it’s about much more than completing a craft. For many of the ladies, it provides friendship and a break from their busy lives.

“I hear time and time again that people can’t do craft,” says Mrs Neale. “So when they complete something, they feel like they’ve accomplished something. Quite often I’ll have someone afterwards that I can sit down and be a listening ear for and just give good council to them.”

One lady shared with Mrs Neale that if she didn’t have the craft group to come to, she would be sitting at home, looking at four walls.

“Some of these ladies honestly would not get a break from their commitments. They would just be meeting the needs of their family and not having time to fill the cup up,” says Mrs Neale.

As the corps no longer has a home league group, this allows the community to see the many different ways The Salvation Army can minister to people.

“I think it’s a great ministry because it meets people where they’re at. It’s just another avenue where we can show people The Salvation Army is more than a family store or a charity.”


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