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Moving into the heart of Leeton

25 September 2014
Moving into the heart of Leeton

The new building of Leeton Salvation Army being officially opened . (Photo by Major Gary Masters)

The Leeton Salvation Army Corps in the Western Riverina of NSW has begun a new phase of ministry, moving into a brand new building in the centre of town. 

Over 220 people from the local community gathered on 20 September to celebrate the opening of the new building, take part in a Sunday service and enjoy live music from Tuggeranong Salvation Army band. 

Commissioners James and Jan Condon officially opened the building, with Leeton Shire Lord Mayor Paul Maytomand representatives from the local Aboriginal Council speaking at the event.  

Captain Jennifer Stringer of the Leeton Salvation Army believes the move to the town centre will create many new ministry opportunities.  

The old building was a bit out of town and not really suitable for what we were wanting to do in moving The Salvation Army forward in Leeton. The new building means all of our ministries are all in one place, centrally located right in the middle of town,says Captain Stringer.  

The Leeton Salvation Army servesa large community, providing spiritual and practical help including crisis accommodation, emergency relief and Moneycare financial counselling.  

The service offers three crisis units for homeless women and children, and its two family stores arevery successful in supporting the local community. 

Captain Stringer says they are already making the most of the new facilities.  

We’ve already used the building for dinners, conferences and parenting courses, positive lifestyle training, the local town band has used it for practices,”says Captain Stringer.  

We have developed a community garden with lots of vegetables and herbs growing that we use for our community lunches and catering. Eventually next year were going to start doing cooking classes This new premises is very good!” 


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The Salvation Army acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures; and to elders both past and present.

The Salvation Army is committed to ensuring the provision of safe and inclusive environments for children, young people and vulnerable people where they feel respected, safe, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential. The Salvation Army is a child safe organisation.