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LIFE: God Can't Use Me Document

LIFE: God Can't Use Me

This 5-week series looks at people in the bible who thought they couldn't be used by God, and gives us encouragement for our own lives.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Lessons From the Founders Document

LIFE: Lessons From the Founders

This 5-week life series looks at the roots of The Salvation Army, and the inspiration behind stories and quotes from William and Catherine Booth.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Delving Deeper - The Parables Document

LIFE: Delving Deeper - The Parables

This 5-week series takes a look at 5 different parables that Jesus told in the bible, and how these can be applied in our own lives today.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Healthy Friendships Document

LIFE: Healthy Friendships

This 5-week series looks at different aspects of friendship, such as jealousy, suffering and faith, and how we can create and maintain healthy friendships.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: 5 Manly Things You Won't Learn From Movies Document

LIFE: 5 Manly Things You Won't Learn From Movies

This 5-week series looks at how men can strive to live more like Jesus through looking at how we treat others and managing our emotions.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: The Lord's Prayer Document

LIFE: The Lord's Prayer

In this 5-week series we will be working our way through and discovering what it means to actually pray The Lord's Prayer.

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: Life At School Document

LIFE: Life At School

This 5-week series is designed to help you do exactly that by looking at practical topics like: attitude towards school, pressures students face, bullying, how to get along with teachers, and sharing

Category: Discipleship

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LIFE: A Generous Life Document

LIFE: A Generous Life

This 5-week series looks at what the Bible says about money and possessions, and how we can honour God by living a generous life.

Category: Life Skills

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