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5 resources found
All Age Worship: Easter Document

All Age Worship: Easter

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

A great resource to help everyone enter into the events of Easter by being involved in a meaningful experience.

Category: Worship

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All Age Worship: The Centre of Christmas Document

All Age Worship: The Centre of Christmas

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

This is a great resource to use in a carols service, community event or for a Sunday church service.

Category: Worship

Average 4.01 of 2 ratings Rate this
All Age Worship: Who Are We and Why Do We Exist? Document

All Age Worship: Who Are We and Why Do We Exist?

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

A great resource for adults and kids to discover the reasons for why humans exist.

Category: Worship

Average 2.81 of 1 rating Rate this
All Age Worship: How and Why Was the Earth Created? Document

All Age Worship: How and Why Was the Earth Created?

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

A great resource to help adults and kids understand the creation of the world.

Category: Worship

Average 3.57 of 1 rating Rate this
All Age Worship: Character and Nature of God Document

All Age Worship: Character and Nature of God

Shared by: Childrens Ministry

A great resource to use in your church service, to help adults and kids discover the character and nature of God together.

Category: Worship

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