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Search: "Videos"

12 resources found
Service Video Link

Service Video

Shared by: Mission Resources

Video to support teaching about The Salvation Army tradition of service.

Category: Discipleship, Evangelism / Outreach, Vision / Inspiration

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Hospitality Video Link

Hospitality Video

Shared by: Mission Resources

Short video to support teaching encouraging hospitality

Category: Evangelism / Outreach, Vision / Inspiration, Life Skills

Average 3.68 of 1 rating Rate this
Living Our Vision - Wake Up Call Video Video

Living Our Vision - Wake Up Call Video

Shared by: Mission Resources

A wake up call to introduce the Living Our Vision series

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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Easter: Victory by the Cross Document

Easter: Victory by the Cross

Shared by: Mission Resources

This Easter resource pack focuses on the Christus Victor theory of the atonement.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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Easter: Whole World Redeeming Document

Easter: Whole World Redeeming

Shared by: Mission Resources

Coined from the song written by General William Booth titled "O Boundless Salvation", this Easter Resource helps us to remember what the Lord Jesus did for the whole world.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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Easter: The God Twist Document

Easter: The God Twist

Shared by: Mission Resources

This Easter resource pack highlights the "God Twists" in the Easter narrative.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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Easter: Unveiling the Kingdom Document

Easter: Unveiling the Kingdom

Shared by: Mission Resources

This Easter series is centred around “Unveiling the Kingdom” and celebrates how Christ removed all barriers that seek to separate us from God.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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Easter: Rescued Document

Easter: Rescued

Shared by: Mission Resources

"God has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of his dear son, who forgives our sins and sets us free" (Colossians 1:13-14).

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 1) Document

Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 1)

Shared by: Mission Resources

Week 1 of a fantastic 3-part sermon series, complete with video links, PowerPoint presentations and sermon notes to help you preach about and celebrate the truth that we are made in God's image.

Category: Vision / Inspiration

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Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 3) Document

Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 3)

Shared by: Mission Resources

Week 3 of a fantastic 3-part sermon series, complete with video links, PowerPoint presentations and sermon notes to help you preach about and celebrate the truth that we are made in God's image.

Category: Vision / Inspiration

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Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 2) Document

Holy Reflector - Made in the Image of God (Sermon Series - Week 2)

Shared by: Mission Resources

Week 2 of a fantastic 3-part sermon series, complete with video links, PowerPoint presentations and sermon notes to help you preach about and celebrate the truth that we are made in God's image.

Category: Vision / Inspiration

Average 3.47 of 1 rating Rate this
Living Our Vision - Vision Resources Link

Living Our Vision - Vision Resources

Shared by: Mission Resources

The Living Our Vision resources unpack the national vision statement and are designed to accommodate the diversity of Salvation Army expressions across our nation.

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration

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