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The Shape of Calling

Resources Include:

*36-page reflection guide
*Corps/mission expression posters
*Small group questions
*Audio book of reflection guide
*Reflection guide overview

The Shape of Calling has been written to help guide emerging and potential leaders through some of the more nuanced aspects of calling, such as:

*How do we accurately define calling?
*Why does the image of God we hold onto, and the metaphors we use when relating to God, have such a profound impact on our choices and sense of freedom?
*What problems occur when we try and discern a call?
*Is there a way we resolve an inner tension of not wanting to embrace a call from God?
*How does calling practically outwork in our lives, and what responsibility must we take to see it come to fruition?
*The discerning process of testing a call
*Useful for leadership conversations, discipleship, personal development, and resourcing the next generation of officers and leaders for our corps, movement, and the kingdom of God

Questions kit for The Shape of Calling Document

Questions kit for The Shape of Calling

Small group question pictures for mobile

Category: Discipleship

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Study Questions Document

Study Questions

Questions for mobile phone

Category: Discipleship

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Audiobook - The Shape of Calling Link

Audiobook - The Shape of Calling

Audiobook - The Shape of Calling

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.79 of 1 rating Rate this
Poster for Corps > the Shape of Calling Document

Poster for Corps > the Shape of Calling

Poster for Corps with QR scanner code to The Shape of Calling

Category: Discipleship

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38-page Reflection Guide The Shape of Calling 2nd Edition Document

38-page Reflection Guide The Shape of Calling 2nd Edition

36-page personal workbook on discerning calling

Category: Discipleship

Average 3.02 of 1 rating Rate this
Small Group Devotions > ComeAlive Document

Small Group Devotions > ComeAlive

Small group discussions and Devotional article

Category: Training / How-To

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