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Social Media Assets

Social Media Assets for Red Shield Appeal.

This Social Media collection includes Facebook & Instagram graphics that Corps can use to raise awareness for this year's Red Shield Appeal, local digital fundraising campaigns and doorknock weekend events.

Canva-Editable options can be personalised to suit your local Corps and communities. Follow the instructions for using Canva in the entries below if you need assistance.

RSA - Dollar Handles Social Media Assets Document

RSA - Dollar Handles Social Media Assets

These graphic-statistic social media assets can be used for Corps Red Shield Appeal & Digital Doorknock to communicate the message of The Red Shield Appeal 2024.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA - Raising Funds Social Media Assets Document

RSA - Raising Funds Social Media Assets

These raising funds social media assets can be used for Corps Red Shield Appeal & Digital Doorknock to communicate the message of The Red Shield Appeal 2024.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA - Photo Statistics Social Media Assets Document

RSA - Photo Statistics Social Media Assets

These photo-statistic social media assets can be used for Corps Red Shield Appeal & Digital Doorknock to communicate the message of The Red Shield Appeal 2024.

Category: Events / Campaigns

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RSA - Facebook Cover Photos - Generic and Canva-editable  Document

RSA - Facebook Cover Photos - Generic and Canva-editable

This page features two Facebook cover photos - generic and Canva-editable.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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RSA - Canva-editable social media tile Link

RSA - Canva-editable social media tile

This Canva-editable social media asset can be used for Corps Red Shield Appeal & Digital Doorknock to communicate the message of The Red Shield Appeal.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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RSA - Weekend Theme social media assets Document

RSA - Weekend Theme social media assets

These weekend-themed social media assets can be used for Corps Red Shield Appeal & Digital Doorknock to communicate the message of The Red Shield Appeal 2024.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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RSA - EOFY Graphics Document

RSA - EOFY Graphics

Use these End of Financial Year social media assets to raise awareness about tax-deductible donations during this year's Red Shield Appeal.

Category: Promotion / Communication

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RSA - Thank you Social Media Assets Document

RSA - Thank you Social Media Assets

These Thank You social media assets can be used to thank people for supporting the Red Shield Appeal. 

Category: Promotion / Communication

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