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Church Invitation Card

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These church invitations come in a range of designs and formats.  

The canva templates feature the following wording, with a space for contact details specific to your location. 

We believe that the love of Jesus is for everyone. He gives us faith and hope for our lives, and we celebrate this in churches and other centres across Australia each week. We would love for you to experience this and invite you to learn, pray and worship with us at [Boothville Salvos].

Everyone is welcome!

Available resources:

Sample images:


More about resources in Canva

Canva is a free online design platform. You will need to sign up for a free account to access the templates created (no paid subscription required).

Canva is highly user-friendly, but if you find yourself needing some help, you can:

  • Watch these simple tutorials
  • Click on the purple help button at the bottom right corner of your Canva webpage screen
  • Email Branding Support for design assistance


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