Easter: The Easter Journey
- Lent.zipDownloaded 414 times
- Palm Sunday.zipDownloaded 399 times
- Good Friday.zipDownloaded 409 times
- Silent Saturday.zipDownloaded 368 times
- Easter Sunday.zipDownloaded 478 times
- Lent.zipDownloaded 367 times
- Extra Resources.zipDownloaded 363 times
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The Easter Journey
This pack has several creative resources for you this Easter, including full sermon transcripts, artwork, PowerPoint slides, invitation cards, Saturday devotional material and more.
To make editing and printing easier, we have also made available for the first time additional formatting styles. This will make it quicker for you to move text around, cut and paste, and change page sizes.
Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration
This resource is included in the following collection(s):