Easter: Victory by the Cross
- Additional Resources.zipDownloaded 319 times
- Good_Friday.zipDownloaded 260 times
- Maundy_Thursday.zipDownloaded 292 times
- Palm_Sunday.zipDownloaded 69 times
- Easter Sunday.zipDownloaded 413 times
This Easter resource pack focuses on the Christus Victor theory of the atonement. The basis for the theme “Victory by the Cross” comes from Colossians 2:15 “having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (TNIV). The majority of the biblical material is taken from Colossians and from Luke’s account of the crucifixion. Luke is used for the narrative and Colossians for the explanation of how the cross is God’s triumph over evil.
The pack features the artwork of Aboriginal artist Linda Walker of the Warlpiri people, who is one of the artists from the Alice Springs Corps Art Program. The resources include Sermon Outlines, PowerPoints and Videos for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
Maundy Thursday Video - At the Table
Good Friday Video - Two Trees
Easter Sunday Video - Candle of the Lord
Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication, Vision / Inspiration
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