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Go and make Disciples - The Great Commission (Phil Inglis)

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Go and make Disciples - The Great Commission (Phil Inglis)

Go and make Disciples - The Great Commission (Phil Inglis)

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This video series will help your team and young people connect with and understand The Great Commission and learn how to live a life of discipleship.

To download this video, head to and click on the "Download" button.

Salvation begins with a decision to follow Jesus. Sometimes we forget that the decision is just a starting point.

William Booth, found of The Salvation Army once said, “Salvation is who we are. It’s in our DNA. Salvation is getting saved, keeping saved, getting others saved and then, being more and more saved each day.”

To him, salvation began with a decision to follow Christ but never ended until the day we die.

When Jesus left his disciples on his last day on earth, he left them one item on their to-do list. He told them to go and train everyone they meet and instruct them in the practices that he taught them throughout his time on earth.

Sometimes we forget that Jesus was a teacher. He taught so much, so many lessons and only some of it had to do with religion. Most of it had to do with life – a full and awesome life. He says to go and teach this life to people. And if they respond, then induct them, baptise them and bring them in. But that’s only the beginning.

Then Jesus says, after they understand what you’ve told them and have made a decision, instruct them in the practices I taught you on earth. In other words, you are helping people with the wisdom and teachings of Jesus Christ with the ultimate goal to change their lives for the better.

While making disciples means adopting the message of Jesus Christ, it is also necessary to study and learn along the entire journey of life.

So, let’s go and make disciples, just as Jesus instructed.

Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration