Harmony Week 2024
- Leaders Notes.docxDownloaded 144 times
- Team Meeting Segment.pdfDownloaded 130 times
- Ten Ways to Celebrate.pdfDownloaded 177 times
- Social Media Images.zipDownloaded 168 times
- Meeting PPT.pptxDownloaded 143 times
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Harmony Week
Harmony Week recognises and celebrates diversity and inclusion in Australia. Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.
We would love you to share Harmony Week photos and stories with us! Email Nuria Gonsalves from the Intercultural and Disability Inclusion Team to share [Nuria.Gonsalves@salvationarmy.org.au].
Resources available:
Category: Events / Campaigns