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His Story, Our Story

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His Story, Our Story

His Story, Our Story is an easy to faciliate nine-part small group discipleship series aimed at:

  • People looking into Jesus
  • People who want to know Jesus better

This resource was originally prepared for people new to church but is relevant and useful for all Christians. Additionally, it was created to cater to people from non-English speaking backgrounds and has been effective with those who cannot read.

Each session looks at a different story:

  • Session 1.
    Mark 2:1-17 Jesus heals a paralysed man
  • Session 2.
    Luke 8:22-25 Jesus calms a storm 
  • Session 3.
    Luke 8:40-56 Jesus heals the bleeding woman and raises Jairus’ daughter
  • Session 4.
    Luke 15:1-27 Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son
  • Session 5.
    Luke 19:1-10 Jesus rescues Zacchaeus
  • Session 6.
    Mark 15:1-39 Jesus is crucified
  • Session 7.
    Luke 24:13-35 Jesus Appears on the Road to Emmaus Acts 
  • Session 8.
    Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:3-11 Jesus promises the Holy Spirit and Ascends into Heaven
  • Session 9.
    Acts 8:26-40 Philip Explains About Jesus 

How it works

Each session begins with a sharing exercise.

Then a Bible story is told—three times! This idea comes from Australian evangelist Sam Chan, and his award-winning book, Evangelism in a Skeptical World.

The first time, the leader, or someone who can read in a lively way, reads the story. The second time, you show pictures as the story is told. This innovation has proven surprisingly effective. People say they love it.

The third time, the group tells the story. This idea also came from Sam Chan.

Then comes discussion. The group members themselves lead the way through six questions. The questions were devised by Australian Gospel-story-telling expert, Christine Dillon. They have been used in international missions, and also in Western nations.


Download the full program or individual sessions in the download bar.


Category: Discipleship, Evangelism / Outreach

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