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Junior Soldiers: Unit 13

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Junior Soldiers can be used as a small group discipleship material for children, or as curriculum for your Kids Church or Sunday School.

  • Lesson 1 - Reading the Bible
    To give the children an opportunity to explore and understand how all the pieces of the Bible fit together to form the ‘Big Picture’.
  • Lesson 2 - I have a purpose
    For the children to explore and understand that they have a purpose in life and that God has a thoughtfully and carefully designed plan for them.
  • Lesson 3 – Conflict resolution
    For the children to explore and understand safe and healthy ways to resolve conflict.
  • Lesson 4 - Who is the greatest
    For the children to explore and understand that greatness in the Kingdom of Heaven is not found in power or popularity but in humility.
  • Lesson 5 - Understanding different religions
    To acknowledge that there are people of many faiths living in our community; to gain a brief understanding of the key similarities and differences; and to consider how we can best respond as disciples of Jesus.
  • Lesson 6 - Living with courage
    For the children to explore and understand how we can live with courage in our everyday lives as well as in the big, scary moments.
  • Lesson 7 - Listening to music
    For the children to explore music as a way of connecting with God and expressing emotions, and to understand how the music we listen to can impact our mood, thoughts and beliefs.
  • Lesson 8 - Caring for people
    For the children to explore and understand why The Salvation Army is dedicated to caring for people and how this is expressed.
  • Lesson 9 - Palm Sunday
    For the children to explore and understand what happened on Palm Sunday and why it is significant.
  • Lesson 10 – Tenebrae
    For the children to explore and understand the sorrow and triumph of Easter through engaging in a Tenebrae service.

To view the Junior Soldiers Lesson Matrix, click here.

To view the entire Junior Soldiers resource range, click here.


Category: Discipleship

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