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Junior Soldiers: Unit 6

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Junior Soldiers can be used as a small group discipleship material for children, or as curriculum for your Kids Church or Sunday School.

  • Lesson 1 - Faith
    For the children to discuss faith and to explore what faith looks like in relation to the story of Abraham.
  • Lesson 2 - Let’s go on a prayer walk
    For the children to explore and identify the needs of their local community. To participate in the experience of interactive prayer for their community.
  • Lesson 3 - The injustice of poverty
    For children to explore and understand that poverty exists in the world, but it is not part of God’s plan; God requires his people to act justly, love mercy and humbly obey him.
  • Lesson 4 - The global Salvation Army
    For the children to explore and understand the role of The Salvation Army in sharing the love of Jesus with people around the world.
  • Lesson 5 - All messed up
    For the children to explore and understand that the choices of humans, from the beginning of time, impact our world and relationships today.
  • Lesson 6 - Stay hooked on God
    For the children to explore and understand how they can remain focussed on God and avoid things that may harm them.
  • Lesson 7 - Who has God created me to be?
    For the children to explore and understand that God has made each of them in a specific way and they should use all they have to worship and serve him.
  • Lesson 8 - With God I can do it
    For the children to explore and understand that God has made each of them in a specific way and they should use all they have to worship and serve him. God has made you able to do his work, and you should do it.
  • Lesson 9 - Never too small or young!
    For the children to explore and understand that they are important and of value to God and his work in the world now – not just in the future. They don’t have to be an adult to do great things for God.
  • Lesson 10 - All welcome at the stable
    For the children to explore and understand that with the birth of Jesus, God demonstrated that he values everyone and welcomes all into his family as his children.

To view the Junior Soldiers Lesson Matrix, click here.

To view the entire Junior Soldiers resource range, click here.


Category: Discipleship

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