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Kidzone Club resources

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184 Pages view

The Kidzone team encourage the use of the linked resources to support your local Kidzone Club / Kids Church in the implementation and use of the Kidzone Club leaders' guide found at

The resource pack includes:

  • Kidzone PowerPoint slides (Blank for song lyrics + colourful characters to announce 'Kidzone time!' during a service)
  • Kidzone lanyard templates (for children or leaders' names)
  • Kidzone letterhead (editable)
  • Kidzone Club A3 poster (editable)

For further information or help with Kidzone material please email the team at

Category: Events / Campaigns, Promotion / Communication

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Publications houses resources directly related to the Publications Team. Especially Others, Salvos Magazine and Kidzone.

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  • Resources Uploaded13
  • Resource Views3,899
  • Average Rating4.4