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Law & Grace in Les Miserables

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Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables has recently been made into a movie, starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway and others. This story contains a beautiful picture of the difference between law and grace. One leads inevitably to death, the other to abundant life. In the book of Galatians, Paul highlighted the difference between living by law or grace. There were people in the church of Galatia who were falling back into a life under law, literally “falling from grace”. He wanted to remind them of the importance of staying in grace, under the gospel that he had proclaimed to them. He compared the two ways of life allegorically as either being a child of Hagar, a slave under the law, or the child of Sarah, a heir under grace. The Les Mis story highlights a similar idea.

This pack includes a Sermon Outline with PowerPoints and links to a four-part Small Group Study that can be used in Corps to further discuss the biblical themes in Les Misérables.

The four-part accompanying Small Group Study can be found here while a summary of the film is linked here.


Category: Discipleship, Vision / Inspiration

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