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LIFE: Childhood Bible Stories - Old Testament

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LIFE is small group discipleship material for youth, helping to build relationship and healthy community.

This 5-week series takes a closer looks at 5 of those classic Bible Stories we know and love from our childhood. LIFE Series are best used in a small group or cell group context.  

The goal of this LIFE group series is that your group might take another look at Bible stories from their childhood and see that there is more depth and gold to mine from these stories, that they are still relevant to them as they grow in their discipleship journey.


This series is part 1 of a 2 part series - 5 Old Testament Stories (A series onf 5 New Testament stories is coming in the future!) 


What's inside?

Week 1: David and Goliath: What Do You Trust In?   

Week 2: Pharaoh: An Inconvenient Truth

Week 3: Jericho and Rahab: Righteous Fear 

Week 4: Jonah and the Whale: Selfish Salvation

Week 5: Noah and the Flood: The Holy Exception


Please note a new addition to the LIFE group material - 

"The Take Home Participants Guide" (page 3&4 of the PDF)
If you print these two pages back to back your members can fold it up have a little booklet that recaps the 5 weeks and has space for them to write down personal application points. 

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