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LIFE: "I Am" Statements

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LIFE is small group discipleship material for youth, helping to build relationship and healthy community.

This 5-week series looks at 5 of Jesus' "I Am" statements in John's Gospel.
The hope with this LIFE group series is that your group might grow in thier understanding of Jesus and some of the different facets of His character and purpose. 


What's inside?

Week 1: I Am the Bread of Life 

Week 2: I Am the Light of the World

Week 3: I Am the Good Shepherd

Week 4: I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life 

Week 5: I am the True Vine 

Please note a new addition to the LIFE group material - 

"The Take Home Participants Guide" (page 3&4 of the PDF)
If you print these two pages back to back your members can have a little booklet. 

Category: Discipleship

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