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LIFE: Sharing My Faith

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LIFE is small group discipleship material for youth, helping to build relationship and healthy community.

This 5-week series takes groups through the foundations for why we should share our faith, overcoming our fears and worries and practical ways to share Jesus with others. We want this series to encourage and empower people to share the gospel with their family, friends and those around them.  


What's inside?

Week 1: Why Should I Share The Gospel?  

Week 2: With Actions, Words or Both? 

Week 3: What Stops Us? 

Week 4: What Is The Gospel?  

Week 5: What's Your Story? 

Please note a new addition to the LIFE group material - 

"The Take Home Participants Guide" (page 3&4 of the PDF)
If you print these two pages back to back your members can have a little booklet.

Category: Discipleship

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